The Power Of Giving
When was the last time you gave someone a small gift or helped somebody out in some way? Not only did that action probably make the recipient smile ear-to-ear, but I bet it also felt pretty great for you too! That’s because giving to others is much more powerful than you may think.
This week, we’re focusing on the power that giving holds. You’ll learn the science behind why giving feels so great and how exactly it affects your health and well-being. Additionally, you’ll find easy ways to start giving back through various apps and activities that can get your friends involved, too.
With Thanksgiving in the air, giving back to others is more important than ever right now. I hope you’ll take full advantage of the giving spirit this time of year.
Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Oh, by the way®… if there is any way I can be of service to you or your family during this time, please call me. I’m happy to help you however I can in a way that is healthy and safe.